Thursday, November 02, 2006

I have been on SingleC for several years awaiting the man that the Lord had for me. Patiently I prayed and patiently I waited and asked when is that day to come Lord ? Well it came! On December 27th 2005 the man of my dreams and of the Lord's will, proposed to me and we were married on 7/8/06. He is a true blessing to me and my family. He is my best friend. I just want to tell all of you that read this profile that God does answer prayer. As He brought my best friend to me. There is truth in this Christian Dating Service that you can find good honest people on here. Just give the search to the Lord and He will send that person your way. I waited for Mr Right for 8 years and about 5 of those years on and off, I was on this sight and meeting good people who are still friends with me to this date!God bless you and thank you for taking the time to read this testimony. Thank you to Single Christian Network as well. May our testimony be one that is of example to all of you who read this that God answers Prayer( G. A. P. )

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dating Ideas

Dating ideas can range from dinner and a movie to a scavenger hunt that leads to a marriage proposal. Whatever a person's motive for finding fun dating ideas, he can make sure that he has his significant other's interests in mind. It is a fine art to choreograph a perfect evening, especially if one is not used to doing the activity.The first thing a person needs to do when researching is to think about his or her goals. He needs to decide what he is trying to accomplish using fun dating ideas. He should decide how much money he is willing to spend on the date. Some rendezvous can be spontaneous and adventurous, others more formal. It doesn't do him any good to plan a walk in the woods at midnight if a person's significant other is afraid of the dark and hates the outdoors. Dating ideas that come from friends should be considered only as a starting point in which to develop personal ideas. They can be found online or in dating books. It is important to keep meetings safe and ethical. There is nothing worse than spending the time developing great dating ideas and have them fail because of planning or personal thought.Once a person decides on several options, the next step is to create a plan focusing on the time needed to make everything work well. Great times almost always come with a cost, so it is important to budget responsibly for a good time. The time spent planning fun dating ideas will be wasted if the whole time is spent worrying about the amount of money spent in order to make the day happen. Some general things to think about when developing ideas is the time period available, the amount of money to work with, the date's interests, and the goals for the time spent. Once the answers to these questions have been written down, the next steps will be easy to accomplish. The most important three areas to plan are transportation, spending, and attire.Dating ideas can be generated by knowing someone a long time and developing the day to his or her interests, researching online, or asking anyone who has ever dated. Because the Bible tells us to "be not unequally yoked" with unbelievers, we have more responsibility to date properly. It is important to keep a Christian perspective when planning so that the events don't turn into a negative experience for anyone.